Our special guest is Mike Lindell, Inventor, Manufacturer, and CEO of MyPillow, Inc. You’ve seen him on television commercials nationwide. Mr. Lindell is a Christian man who was saved from a lifelong battle with addiction and drug use.

Years ago he found himself extremely frustrated with his pillow going flat. He would wake up in the morning with a sore arm, his neck would hurt, his fingers would be numb, he would toss and turn all night not knowing why. He tried many different pillows on the market and none of them worked. So, he started to research pillows and study sleep disorders. He was adamant about creating the world’s healthiest, comfortable, most durable pillow.

For 10 years he had been on the entrepreneurial roller coaster and had persevered through many obstacles and setbacks. He was told his idea would never work more times than he could count. He had also been told to sell out, make it overseas, etc. His passion would never allow him to do that. Today, he is proud to provide each and every person with the opportunity to experience for themselves what was once said to be impossible. He manufactures each MyPillow in his home state of Minnesota with materials that have all been made right here in the U.S.A!

He truly believes MyPillow is the best pillow in the world, and that if everyone had one, they would get the best sleep ever, and the world would be a better place.

You can watch the Mike Lindell story here.

4 comments on “Mike Lindell, Inventor of MyPillow talks about his faith in Christ
  1. gregory anderson says:

    Hmm. I came to find out of this person actually claimed to be a Christian, and no doubt about it that is what he says. Having heard Mike Warnke and other outrageous folks claim to have dramatic experiences culminating in becoming born of God, I can say most of the ones I’ve heard have proven to be based on lies, means of marketing to a class of middle income religious bigots. By bigots I mean those whose worldly opinions and prejudices overcome their ability to function with building up the Body of Christ, doing unto the least of these, loving one’s neighbors, taking care of the widows and orphans, and oh, so much more.
    I’m going to be following up on learning more about your podcast.
    I’m one of those folks who has been convinced for over 40 years that being a conservative in the Christian Faith has absolutely nothing to do with the “Conservative” GOP, altR, etc. Indeed, the politics we have are those of ambassadors of The Kingdom. Loyalty to Jesus our King, Master, Lord is superior to any Earthly allegiance (even marriage).
    No worldly affiliation or culture defines or represents our living faith in God the Father through Jesus our Messiah and spiritually our Husband (we are his betrothed, his beloved, but we think we wear the pants in the family).

    1. Thank your for your feedback! Mike Lindell was interviewed back in 2016. He does a lot of wonderful things for the inner cities and recovery.
      His pillow is wonderful too. I agree that only the Holy Scriptures have the authority over our lives. We appreciate you listening to our program.

  2. Sharon says:

    I agree with Gregory. The “Christian Right” as a political movement has NOTHING to do with the Kingdom of God, on earth. Jesus told us clearly as He stood before Pontius Pilate, “My Kingdom is NOT of this world…” (John 18)

    Lest they repent, today’s religious zealots put every American at risk of God’s judgment. May God have mercy on His ridiculous American “church.”

  3. edward stacks says:

    the “Christian religion” is rampant; the Christian Faith is a very different thing! We are to contend for the ‘FAITH ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS;< not the "religion." I wish all believers knew the difference! Religion is what we do; Faith is what Christ did on the cross and in our lives! Order my book "Broken" from Amazon… "Broken by Brother Gene" Amazon, Google, etc.

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