
How to Write Emails or Sales Messages That Get a Response

Breakthrough Copywriting: How to Generate Quick Cash with the Written Word. In this book, you’ll learn how direct marketers shatter sales records with the written word.  Many people find copywriting confusing. But Breakthrough Copywriting: How to Make Quick Cash with the Written Word, makes it simple—by breaking everything down into a clear, step-by-step process.  There’s something...

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A History of Black Christianity in the United States

A Groundbreaking Portrait of African American Christianity The history of African American Christianity is one of the determined faith of a people driven to pursue spiritual and social uplift for themselves and others to God’s glory. Yet stories of faithful Black Christians have often been forgotten or minimized. The dynamic witness of the Black church...

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How Can Giving Hilariously Transform Your Heart?

Christian schools only have two major sources of revenues: tuition and philanthropy. The Christian School and Philanthropy delves deeply into how school leaders can raise transformational philanthropic dollars. At times story telling, at times grittily detailed, at times reflective, we challenge secular assumptions about donor motivation, the nature of the donor, and typical fund-raising scenarios....

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Voice Over and Corporate Speaking with David Goldberg

David Goldberg is the CEO of Edge Studio. Edge Studio is an international voice over casting and recording facility, and one of the most recognized voice acting schools in the world. We’ve completed over 13,000 projects spanning numerous high-profile projects such as Nike, Google, Microsoft, and major news networks like NPR, CNN, and NBC. Currently, I Oversee All Areas of Our Business. ...

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Defiant Faith in the Face of Suffering

The unique richness of the book of Job cannot be simply explained—it must be experienced.While Job presents challenges for scholars, ministry leaders, and laypeople, it also contains powerful lessons on faith and perseverance in the face of suffering that we all need to hear. In Wrestling with Job, Bill Kynes, a lifelong pastor, and his son...

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Conversational Storytelling and the Power of Copywriting

What are the real-world stories that great persuaders use to make deals, close sales and bring masses of people to accept new ideas? In this breakthrough book, renowned coach and copywriter David Garfinkel reveals the types of stories that have proven to make millions of dollars, create important agreements and even change billions of minds,...

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Does the Church Really Know It’s Christmas?

Learn Something New This Christmas. We hate to admit it, but after years, sometimes even decades, of reading the same Luke 2 story of Christmas, we get a little bored—we lose some of the awe we ought to have when discussing the greatest miracle in history. That’s why The Characters of Christmas was written, to help you...

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How Can You Turn Grumbling Into Thanksgiving?

Trade Grumbling for Gratitude—Experience God like Never Before The apostle Paul instructed the Philippians to be anxious in nothing and thankful in everything. And when he said everything—he meant everything. We can all agree that this is easier said than done. Disappointments and discontent may cause you to slip into dissatisfaction, and grumbling becomes a...

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It Happened!: A Life in Sports Television by Jim Lampley

From Jim Lampley, HBO’s ringside face and voice of boxing, comes a first-person, blow-by-blow account of the evolution of sports television chock full of famous names, history-making events, and never-before-told stories from the world of sports. Jim Lampley’s story is a 50-year travelog of an unlikely career that catalogs the evolution of sports television—from his...

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The Hebrew Bible: A Translation by Robert Alter

A landmark event: the complete Hebrew Bible in the award-winning translation that delivers the stunning literary power of the original. A masterpiece of deep learning and fine sensibility, Robert Alter’s translation of the Hebrew Bible, now complete, reanimates one of the formative works of our culture. Capturing its brilliantly compact poetry and finely wrought, purposeful...

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When Was the Last Time You Heard a Sermon on Leviticus?

Leviticus focuses on relationships–a relationship with God through worship and relationships with other people through holiness. Throughout the book, the priests and the Levites receive special responsibilities to help Israel in both these spheres. Authors Michael A. Harbin and Mark C. Biehl show how Leviticus lays out three related practices that would hold these relationships...

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The 100 Most Asked Questions About God and the Bible

What do you want to know about God and the Bible? Sometimes the truth can be hard to find. We live in an age where it only takes a few seconds to look up anything we want to know. But how reliable are the answers we get?  For more than two decades, S. Michael Houdmann...

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