Our special guest is Dr. N.T. Wright, a prolific writer of both scholarly and popular books. N. T. Wright has written over thirty books, including Simply Christian, The Original Jesus, What Saint Paul Really Said, The Challenge of Jesus, The Meaning of Jesus, Jesus and the Victory of God, and the magisterial Paul and the Faithfulness of God. His N. T. Wright For Everyone Series includes commentaries covering the entire New Testament. Formerly bishop of Durham in England, Wright is research professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He was formerly canon theologian of Westminster Abbey and dean of Lichfield Cathedral. He also taught New Testament studies for twenty years at Cambridge, McGill, and Oxford Universities. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard Divinity School, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Gregorian University in Rome, and many other institutions around the world. In addition to his many books, Wright reaches a broad audience through his frequent media appearances. A sought-after commentator, Wright writes frequently for newspapers in England, including the Times, the Independent, and the Guardian. He has been interviewed numerous times by radio and television broadcasters on both sides of the Atlantic, including ABC, NBC, CNN, PBS, and NPR.
To learn more about online courses offered by Prof. N.T. Wright of St. Andrews University, Scotland visit www.ntwrightonline.org. For info on N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides visit www.ivpress.com.
NT Wright seems like a very learned man who is filled with as he says ” the gift of gab” but
unlike a lot of people has a lot to say. I found that through all the many facets of his life he still has time for golf and takes it seriously enough to want to improve his handicap.