
Why Following Is Better Than Leading

The market is flooded with books, conferences, and workshops on how to be a better leader. In most companies, leaders are noticed and applauded while followers are often viewed as weak and passive. However, Scripture tells us a different story; although leadership is valued and respected, being obedient followers of Christ is at the very…

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The power of breaking routine to kickstart your faith

Our special guest is Sam Van Eman, the author of Disruptive Discipleship: The Power of Breaking Routine to Kickstart Your Faith. Sam is a resource specialist for the CCO’s Experiential Designs team, where he co-creates transformational experiences for college students, professionals, and organizations. He is the author of On Earth as It Is in Advertising?…

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An invitation to spiritual mentoring

Our special Dr. Keith Anderson, the author of Reading Your Life’s Story, An Invitation to Spiritual Mentoring. Dr. Anderson is the president of The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. Spiritual mentoring is a particular kind of friendship in which, according to Keith R. Anderson, “two or more people walk together in heightened awareness of…

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